Our Passion is your wellness


Connie Songying Jiao Ac. est un acupuncteur chinois et diplômé de la meilleure université de médecine traditionnelle chinoise (Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine University) en Chine. Elle s'est également formée auprès d'acupuncteurs et de médecins de médecine chinoise de haut niveau pour les cas difficiles en Chine et possède une expertise particulière en acupuncture, en phytothérapie chinoise et en thérapie par ventouses. Elle utilise l'acupuncture et combine les méthodes de traitement de la médecine traditionnelle chinoise de manière adaptée aux conditions uniques de chaque patient qui ont été très efficaces. ​ Jiao Songying (Connie) est membre professionnelle de l'Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec (O-A-Q), l'Association de naturopathie et de médecine alternative au Canada. Elle travaillera avec vous pour faciliter cette transformation afin que vous puissiez recommencer à vivre votre meilleure vie en bonne santé. Elle a de nombreuses années d'expérience dans le traitement des maux de tête/migraine, des épaules gelées, des douleurs aux épaules et au dos, des douleurs lombaires, des règles irrégulières, de la fertilité, de la paralysie de Bell, du doigt déclencheur, des allergies (y compris le rhume des foins), de l'insomnie, de l'anxiété/du stress, etc. et de nombreux autres problèmes de santé chroniques. ​ Nous proposons également l'acupuncture faciale pour réduire les poches sous les yeux, les rides et la perte de poids, les programmes de perte de cheveux. ​​

Here are some our patients' Reviews 5
Connie has been treating me for 2 months now and her technique, skill and knowledge is outstanding. She is a miracle worker when it comes to acupuncture. Not all acupuncturists are alike. I have tried multiple people before, my first who was wonderful like Connie unfortunately passed away. In looking for another I tried the others with no success. Then I came upon Connie and she is fantastic! If you are looking for a highly qualified acupuncturist,
I absolutely love Zenergy. Connie is very knowledgeable. I highly recommend her as she was very dedicated to me and helped me solve my digestion and fertility problems. Every time I go, I feel great afterwards and I have even seen changes in my skin within the first few treatments! I look forward to continuing my health journey with her!
I have been seeing Connie for 7 months now for a skin condition, and she has used her knowledge and skills to resolve this problem that was literally ruining my life - something that none of the doctors I consulted were able to do. I came to her in desperation, and she has worked with me to build up my strength and resilience. She has helped me more than words can say. I feel better in all ways. She listens, respects what I need and want, and really cares about my wellness. I am deeply grateful to her, and would heartily recommend her to anyone - but especially to those who have been led to believe they have an intractable problem. Connie is the one you need to see.
Great service! Extremely satisfied! I would definitely recommend Connie from WestIsland Zen Acupunture. She is very knowledgeable and informative.
Acupuncture has helped me with my rheumatoid arthritis. Thank you Connie!
Connie is an exceptional and caring Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist. She is extremely knowledgeable and when my daughter and I first started seeing her, she took the time to explain our treatments and answered my questions. After a year of facial acupuncture treatments, my skin is glowing, voluminous, and brighter and I often get compliments on how good my skin looks. Also, my daughter took the Chinese herbs which Connie prescribed for her severe hormonal acne and her skin was completely clear after a month of taking the herbs. The results are amazing!
Connie's passion to have you feel better and live a healthy and happy life is evident the first time you meet her. My daughter and I are extremely grateful to be under Connie's care and would highly recommend her services.
​Our Massage Therapist--Maria Michelle Melendrez is on maternity leave.​
Maria Michelle Melendrez is a massage therapist as well as a physiotherapy technologist. She has completed her bachelor in Exercise Science with a specialization in Clinical Exercise Physiology at Concordia University in 2013, as well as completed her studies in Physiotherapy Technology at Dawson College in 2017. Since 2018, she has been working in private clinics with clients suffering from a workplace injury and motor vehicle accidents. Passionate about the human body and rehabilitation, she decided to pursue massage therapy to complement her work. She is currently a member of The Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec association and offers Swedish massage and therapeutic massage in which different technics are combined to meet the clients’ objectives and needs. Appropriate exercises may also be provided at the end of her sessions to enhance the benefits of the massage. She is continuously learning through continuing education courses to expand her knowledge and develop more skills in her field with the purpose of helping clients on their road to recovery and improve their quality of life, or simply to help them feel more relaxed.